Thursday, September 13, 2007

Your Mental Map of Calgary...

I was looking for a wine store in a neighborhood I hadn't visited in a few months. I knew there was one near by, at Market Mall, so off I went. When I arrived, I found a bank on the spot.

It wasn't that the wine store had been turned into a bank. The whole building had been torn down and replaced with one of a completely different size and shape.

It took me quite a few minutes to grasp this as I stood in front of the building. I thought I must have been mistaken, but I had grown up in the area, and I thought I knew it well. I asked friends and family and they assured me that I hadn't imagined the store.

With changes happening faster than we can absorb, what effect does a city like Calgary have on your mental map?

Have you gone looking for a something that no longer exists? Have you been startled by a building that seems to have popped up over night?

1 comment:

sbackl said...

I had a similar situation in the city I live, I decided to go to a shoe shop I know turned the corner to find a store selling halfords sat nav next door was a bank (should have been a coffee bar) and next to that a hairdressers (should have been a bar), I could not believe that they tore down the whole block, rebuilt and I never noticed before.